What is Lord Jesus glad about
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- Published on Tuesday, 09 November 2010 01:00
The time runs so fast. We’d not even realize and here is the Christmas again. It’s not easy to say something new on this subject. For the communists it was time of peace and tranquility, for today's materialists it’s a massive stress associated with chasing gifts, others will have to undergo galleys by major household cleaning associated with baking cakes for all relatives. For the workaholics this is also a challenging time, because they would have no work to do over those few days off, for Christians it means something more. For me personally, Christmas time is associated with handing out gifts to children from orphanages during operation “Christmas Child”. Then I also have to "suffer" some mandatory ridings through the shops, but on Christmas Eve I’d read from the Bible with children together and remember the great miracle, when the Word became flesh. The incarnation of the Son of God together with Christ's resurrection is something we ought to think more about, because it forms the basis of our Christian faith. The few days between Christmas and New Year I spend with my closest and relatives. It’s a moment when I try to switch off, have an active rest, read and write. I have many wonderful memories of all past Christmas, even from childhood, and those of recent years. But I’d always remember those when I went on Christmas Eve to give away a few cakes to homeless people. The gratitude in their eyes caused me to have tears of joy in my eyes on my way home as well. Not everyone could understand me at that time, and yet I felt that those few minutes I spent outside, Jesus was more glad about than of the many gifts that we unwrapped under the Christmas tree.