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- Published on Monday, 01 February 2010 01:00
Some people have a special gift to perfectly describe a situation. When such people talk about something or someone or describe something, it is often even more interesting to listen to it as they say it then really experience it. I know a couple of such people. In particular, one person (I will not name him/her) is exceptional in it. If there is anything he/she likes, he/she can describe it in such a way, that you feel convinced that this is the best thing in the world. If it’s something he/she doesn’t like, and it can be really only "a minor mistake of beauty", by his/her description it becomes the worst thing in the world. On the other hand, I know people by who is this gift to explain or describe something more than absent (I’ve experienced many of such during my studies and I’m not talking about classmates). But I must admit that sometimes it's also about what you have to describe. One of the most difficult things, at least for me, is to describe myself. I do not know if you've ever been in a situation such as in an interview where you had no problem talking for an hour and describe different things, but as soon as the question came "how would you describe yourself?" you’ve got stuck for a bit. It happened to me. Finally I made it, but it was not easy.
When I searched the internet for some quotes from famous people who described themselves, I came across a few interesting ones. For example, Buddha said about himself “I’m a miracle”, Winston Churchill was a bit simpler and said "I am an optimist" and Muhammad Ali's said his famous "I am the best". Now I have mentioned only the simplest of quotations, because some have been so lengthy and complicated that these were reflections by themselves. As I read all these lengthy and complex ideas of people I recalled on a very interesting description. I recalled how Jesus said about Himself, "I am the door".
Doors ...? On one hand, it sounds almost comically. Why the door? Have you ever thought about that? Luckily, Jesus didn’t end with the sentence "I am the door”, but He continued saying," If anyone enters through Me will be saved, enters and goes out and will find a pasture." I don’t know how you look at Jesus or what you think about Him, but I found out that this description is very accurate and concise. Doors are something very important. Can you imagine that in the room in which you are and read this reflection, doors suddenly disappeared? Quite unpleasant thought, isn’t it? :-). The door is really the key. You’re prisoner without the door. Doors give you freedom. Doors are designed for you to get on the outside. Doors are designed for you to look on them. They are not designed for you to read about them, to discuss about them or create an opinion on them. All this you can do, but it will be totally useless until you use the door the way you’re supposed to. Doors are designed for you to be able to come out. It is just exactly with Jesus. There are a lot of people who talk about Him, quarrel over Him, examine Him, form an opinion on Him. If you are one of them that’s OK, but I would like to say to you that there is still something you can do with Jesus. You can enter. It's very simple. It’s enough for you to say Him that you want to know Him it. If you've never done it I will try to help you a bit with following prayer. If you want to, you can pray it out loud.
Jesus, I’m coming to You just as I am. I believe You died for me on the Cross and on the third day You rose from the dead. Please forgive me all my sins and cleanse me with Your blood. I give You my heart. I give you my life. Be my Lord, my Savior, my best friend. I’m forever Yours from now on. Amen!