Confession of the Word of God
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- Published on Monday, 01 March 2010 01:00
In this reflection I want to talk about prayer, specifically about confession of the Word of God. A great emphasis is put on this topic in churches of Faith movement and also it is given considerable room on Bible teaching hours. The reason being is that the Bible itself emphasizes it and it is also proven by practice. But the confession of God's Word is not the same as reciting of memorized, whether biblical or other religious, phrases. There are the many religions around the world, leading their followers to repeatedly recite the so-called mantras and dogmas of various kinds. Many have biblical roots, which we can see e.g. in Islam. They are also descendants of Abraham and profess that he is their father and they're right. They can quote whole passages from the Koran, but the confessed word of the Koran yet didn’t heal anybody. God loves Muslims and people of all beliefs, but the time is coming when He’ll make the difference between those who belong to Him and who not. Thank God that He is the judge of the living and dead, and He will have the last word, whether we like it or not.
Confession of the Word of God doesn’t have its roots in the New Testament but the Old Testament. There are many examples, out of which I’ll specifically focus on one. The 32rd chapter of the book of Exodus describes how Moses being led on the Mount Sinai for the purpose of receiving, "CONSTITUTION" - Ten Commandments, is acknowledged from God Himself, that the people quickly turned away from their ways and made a golden calf. This very displeased God and Moses is experiencing His wrath face to face. God decided to exterminate Israelites and announces Moses that out of him a new nation will arise.
Maybe we will never know how it feels like to be in Moses’ shoes. He has a great time with God for 40 days on the mountain. He has the privilege to see in part the majesty of God and His glory, and suddenly this information! I certainly don’t wonder when Moses comes down from the hill and breaks the stone tables. Why do they need the law for if they don’t have respect and fear of God? Because the fear of the Lord must come first, and then His commandments will follow. But let us return to the mountain, where Moses is facing God's wrath. Moses pulls out the most powerful weapons to calm down God and avoid the destruction of Israelites, if possible at all. In verse 13, Moses reminds God on His own Word. He tells him: "For you swore Abraham, Isaac and Israel, that You’ll multiply their descendants." This completely stopped God from His intent, and in verse 14 we read that," Lord relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people.”
What a turnaround took place only because Moses reminded God on His own Words! God is not a liar and always keeps what He promised. He is not like us people - but this is another topic.
A few days ago, our family found itself in a situation where our older daughter came to a tragic accident during an innocent game – she poked out her eye. The situation was so serious that we’ve not only mobilized doctors but also prayer warriors. Within two days, in my humble estimation, I’ve counted around 300 people who on their knees fighted for healing of her eye. After surgery a devastating message came from the doctors: "THERE IS NO HOPE FOR EYE RESCUE!" Beloved, after such reports it is as if your life stops, although it must be lived on. Only on the third day after this incident we were able to receive encouragement from the Lord. The Holy Spirit reminded me on the Word that He gave me years ago: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10, NKJV).
During all those 3 very long-lasting days we believed and confessed that God is our doctor and healing comes on His wings, that by His stripes we are healed. And because of this I want to express my deep gratitude to all prayer warriors.
In that morning an encouragement of Isaiah 41:10 has brought certainty that God would really care. And after ward round a message came that the daughter began to see first only dimly and already well clear in the evening.
Hallelujah for the Word from God, with which we can come to Him and remind Him on what He promised us. In the Holy Scripture is written, that "His divine power has given us everything all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is the world through lust.” (2Pet.1:3-4, NKJV).
Therefore, beloved, let us keep the confession of faith and remind God on His own Word!