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- Published on Tuesday, 19 October 2010 02:00
During the summer months, which are unfortunately already far behind us, quite a lot happened. August was particularly full of various events, evangelisations, mission and trips. It was a great time when the gospel was spread throughout the streets, squares and blocks of houses. I personally enjoyed it very much. I had the opportunity to talk to people about God, testify, pray, speak and preach the gospel to dozens of people. I've had many conversations when I saw how slowly but surely, people's view of Christianity, Bible and God was changing. Time, when people were discovering the truth, which delivered them, when God began to knock on their hearts. I have even experienced how God was touching people through prayer, how people experienced healing and deliverance and gave their lives to Jesus. Everything was amazing and great, but one incident struck me as somehow completely different than the others. It was in fact something I have not experienced yet.
It started when we were returning from the square, where we invited people to the evening meeting. Actually, no! It started before it started that morning when we sat in the meadow warmed by summer sun and Roland (a certain young man from our youth – OK if you do not know him, maybe you’ll get to know him later), spoke about how God is not a respecter of persons and how we should learn to look at people through His eyes and don’t despise anyone. A few hours later, on the abovementioned square, after numerous discussions, absolutely failed effort to invite people to a meeting and also somewhat disgusted, I suddenly remembered the words of Roland. But it was not just by itself. It was precisely at the moment when I saw her. Actually, I still didn’t have a clue whether it's him or her. She was going toward us a bit shy. With her head hidden in the hood, she was approaching step by step. I must admit that if I had not heard Roland’s words in my head, I might have overlooked her and went on. But now I said to her. "Hi". She got startled. She retreated back afraid and looked what I want from her. "Don’t be afraid". "Do you want to go with us to a Christian meeting?" I asked and by experience was waiting straight for a negative response. When she, however, after very short discussion, a bit shy, but agreed with a smile, I was a bit shocked. "What is your name?" I asked. "Miška" she replied still with a shy smile.
On the way to the meeting I tried to start the conversation and talk about God, but my efforts to carry a sophisticated conversation, propped on the number of quality of arguments about the truth of the Bible and the divinity of Jesus Christ, Miška completely decomposed with her already a bit bolder smile, that she did not intend to replace with the words following my efforts for the conversation. The fact, that Michaela, who on one hand went with us, but on the other, very probably did not understand what we’re trying to explain her, got me bewildered. But I decided that we’ll (also with my girlfriend) fully attend to her even if that meant only return her smile. But when the praise&worship music started to play at the meeting, Michaela suddenly didn’t need to explain anything and began to jump and sing with joy and gladness (perhaps even more enjoyable as we do) together with us. We spent t with a few more minutes and then she had to go.
When we walked out with her, I asked whether I can pray for her. She agreed. We prayed for her to have accommodation, and get to know God as a good Father. When we finished praying suddenly something happened that I've never experienced. It is a moment that is very difficult to describe with words. Michaela, who knew about us for about an hour, looked at me, said "thank you Tommy" and hugged me. But it was not just a mere hug. I’ve never experience such strong “Thank you” in my life. Michaela also hugged my girlfriend (who had already shedding crocodile tears), she also asked when we come again, ran down the stairs and disappeared around the corner.
Later we heard that Michaela has a very hard life. She grew up in an orphanage and then she ended up on the street and by various relatives. Many people hurt her so much.
So what I wanted to say by this reflection? Hm ...Well ... I’d only add, that I realized how "little" is sometimes enough...
1 Corinthians 13:1-3. “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. (NKJV)