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- Published on Monday, 22 August 2011 02:00
In all born again Christians there is a desire to be led by God in their lives. For me personally it is just amazing that you can be led by God, that there is the possibility. Imagine that it would be different, that man turns to God and is waiting for his last day on earth.
A bit frustrating idea, thank God, that it is not that way.
Only that option, for example to ask God: "What do You want me to do?" - is something revolutionary. And not only to ask, but the subsequent shock and miracle is that God Himself responds and shows, step by step, what He wants from us, what is good and pleasing for our lives.
We pray "Our Father ..." and in it we say: ".... let Your will be done on earth as it is heaven." It's a wonderful prayer you can extend more for your life until you find out that you don’t pray just a few lines but the whole letters. God loves it because he seeks those who will pray in spirit and truth.
I believe that if we only mirror Our Father ... " in prayer, we can get to the point where we would perceive God's will as something automatic and make God a slot machine with our prayers.
But God is greater and more majestic and when we see Him in heaven as He is we will fall on our face and cry out like those angels: "Holy, Holy, Holy!"
It would be good to leave that automatic mode in our prayers. God always involved a man in His will, who committed himself to God’s commandments, orders and instructions not out of compulsion, but of a willing heart.
Here is one majestic example for all:
Luke 1:26, God sent an angel to Mary with good news: "You shall conceive and bear a son and you shall call His name Jesus."
You know, God has the power to send an angel, but the man has free will, angels don’t. Mary responded: "Let it be according to Your will”." but it was not automatic and I think that even the Lord Himself didn’t consider it automatic. Personally, I would be startled and shocked, and I couldn’t have even thought to ask how it will happen. So, we read it as something automatic, because Mary will obviously not hesitate and responds automatically: "Let it be according to Your will." but it was not automatic.
By this example I want to show that on one hand we have access to the will of God, but on the other it is not automatic, that we will identify ourselves with it. Thank God Mary accepted Lord's message and identified herself with it.
One of the priority wills of God on this earth is that we preach the gospel to every nation. But I’m asking who will go, who will preach the gospel. Yes, many went, they are and will be sent, but also you also ask whether you shall go. Did you identify yourself to the with the mandate of the Lord? If not, you still did not receive it for yours. You do not need an angel to speak to you personally as to Mary, you have the Word - believe in the Word and the prophets.
This week we organize mission trips in various cities in Slovakia.
What if you come and do the will of God, whether it be in any city and place?
You can find the evangelization plan on our main web site.
Be blessed